One Shots: Outside Varanas


We here at Massively dig Runes of Magic, and are part of a group of selected blogs giving out some pretty cool armor to readers, courtesy of our friends at Runewaker Entertainment and Frogster Interactive. However, if you’ve never wandered in this very cool F2P game, today’s Runes of Magic One Shots gives you a look at the first major city you run across on your travels, and was sent in to us by Nicholas H. He writes in: This is my level 15 Mage in-front of the major city Varanas. The shot really shows off the beauty of Runes of Magic when you have a graphics card that can handle it. Having recently left World of Warcraft, Runes of Magic is a breath of fresh air. The game is truly great!

If you’ve found something interesting, cool, or strange, grab a screenshot and send it to us here! We’re always on the hunt for more One Shots. Just send it to oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your character name/server/guild and a quick description of what we’re seeing. We’ll post your screens and give you full credit for it.

We here at Massively dig Runes of Magic, and are part of a group of selected blogs giving out some pretty cool armor to readers, courtesy of our friends at Runewaker Entertainment and Frogster Interactive. However, if you’ve never wandered in this very cool F2P game, today’s Runes of Magic One Shots gives you a look at the first major city you run across on your travels, and was sent in to us by Nicholas H. He writes in: This is my level 15 Mage in-front of the major city Varanas. The shot really shows off the beauty of Runes of Magic when you have a graphics card that can handle it. Having recently left World of Warcraft, Runes of Magic is a breath of fresh air. The game is truly great!

If you’ve found something interesting, cool, or strange, grab a screenshot and send it to us here! We’re always on the hunt for more One Shots. Just send it to oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your character name/server/guild and a quick description of what we’re seeing. We’ll post your screens and give you full credit for it.

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